Women's History Month
1 -12 March 2017
Opening Night - 2 March 6-9pm
Opening Hours
1-7 pm Tuesday to Saturday
1-5 pm Sundays
Closed Mondays
Percentage of commission on all sales will be donated to
Woman's Trust Charity
Woman's Trust vision is to help any woman in London affected by domestic violence and abuse to overcome the mental and emotional harm and rebuild her life, by providing women-only, client-led counselling and support services.
International Women's Day - 8 March 2 - 6 pm
Join any anytime during the day, talks, art, tea, cakes, laughter
2:30 pm - Connected by a String - where each person is connected to another by a string for a period of time (participation not mandatory)
3:30 pm - Beatriz Acevedo - "Fairytales of Menopause"
4:30 pm - Talk - Woman's Trust
5:00 pm - Laughing Circle - Bring a clean joke :)​
Artist Led Walk
click on image for details
click on Image for details
by Beatriz Acevedo and Carmen Lamberti
Saturday 4 March 3-5pm
Refreshments Served
A workshop for people to talk about their garments and to investigate about their provenance: raw materials and manufacturing processes, bringing more awareness and encouragement to think of alternatives for fashion consumption.
Swapping Clothes Party
RawTag Workshop Image Gallery
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"Threads and Words"
An Artist Led Walk by Elspeth Penfold
Lizi Sanchez, “Cadenetas”, courtesy Sculpture in the City
Date: Sunday March 5th 2017 1.00p.m. - 3.00p.m.
Meet: Espacio Gallery
Finish: Espacio Gallery
‘Thread and Word’ is an artist led walk by Elspeth Penfold with participants from the Turner Contemporary ‘Walking with the Waste Land’ research group and in collaboration with invited artists.
Refreshments Served
Threads and Words Image Gallery
There are a wide ranging number of important issues confronting women today – so get active and join a campaign or start your own! Here are a few suggestions and organisations that can help:-
End Female Genital Mutilation www.endfgm.eu www.theguardian.com/end-fgm
Who Needs Feminism www.whoneedsfeminism.com
No More Page 3 www.nomorepage3.org
Daughters of Eve www.dofeve.org
Everyday Sexism www.everydaysexism.com
Loose the Lads Mags www.losetheladsmags.org.uk
Demand the Impossible www.demandimpossible.wordpress.com
Counterfire www.counterfire.org
Object www.object.org.uk
Equality Now www.equalitynow.org
End Violence Against Women (EVAW) www.endviolenceagainstwomen.org.uk
Million Women Rise www.millionwomenrise.com
Black Feminists www.blackfeminists.org.uk
Just the Women www.justthewomen.com
The Women’s Room www.thewomensroom.org.uk
Karma Nirvana www.karmanirvana.org.uk
Occupy www.occupylondon.org.uk
Muslim Women’s Network UK helpline www.mwnhelpline.co.uk
Change www.change.org
London Feminist Network www.londonfeministnetwork.org.uk
UK Feminista www.ukfeminista.org.uk
The Fawcett Society www.fawcettsociety.org.uk
Women’s Resource Centre www.wrc.org.uk
Equality and Human Rights Commission www.equalityhumanrights.com
Women's Equality Party www.womensequality.org.uk
Pussy Hat Project www.pussyhatproject.com